November 1, 2021 I should update this website more often, but no one visits art websites so much these days. I think in 2010 I'd average 200 visits a day, and I think it's about 30 these days. So if you're here, thanks visiting my website. 2021 is pretty uneventful work wise. It's probably the first year I haven't really been in an art show in my professional career. I live rurally and I haven't really left Mendocino County since the Pandemic happened. It's kind of a strange thing to get used to, but It's not something I'm too worried about. I've been keeping busy by still painting and selling my work (thanks to the patrons who buy work from me when I drop stuff), just not through a gallery setting. If you're in Oakland I'll be releasing a print through Tiny Splendor and will have stuff at the annual print sale at Max's Garage in December.
![]() I have a stamp sheet released by The Portland Stamp Company. It's 100 little drawings on lickable stamps. It's a pretty rad project to take part in. Follow the link to read a short interview. I have a few for sale in my store if you want a sheet.
![]() For the past few years I've been drawing and getting stickers made and somewhere in there the idea of having 100 designs in my inventory became a goal. It's kind of just a dumb drawing exercise because to come up with 100 drawings that I would be okay with having out in the world as stickers is kind of a tall task for me. This year I kinda decided to sit down and dedicate a few days each month to getting it done and ordering 1-5 stickers at a time. I came up with 43 of the 83 designs I have just this year. It's a pretty silly project, it kind of just pays for itself. If you want to check them out I have them in my shop here. October 21, 2021
![]() October 10, 2021 The Washi Station released a washi tape with my drawings on it. You can get one here. ![]()
![]() June 8, 2021
![]() March 6, 2021
![]() Not much to update. I'm still painting, all the new work is going into my shop. January 29, 2021
![]() I got posters printed. If you want one visit my store. They're 11"x17" full color on 100 lb cardstock. I've also added two new postcards, that you can buy for $4 each, or with 4 other designs in a set of 6 for $20.
![]() If you're looking to buy a painting, I still don't do commissions but I have been painting and selling work. Follow me on Instagram if you want to know when a painting or series of paintings will drop. I don't have any shows for the new year and you know why so I appreciate all the patrons who buy my work and products. 2020 was a rough year but everyone buying stuff has kept things going. January 1, 2021
Here's to a new year. November 5, 2020
![]() Here's a quote from MLK. October 30, 2020
![]() I made 31 mini bat paintings for the month of October. October 5, 2020
![]() Added a new section here for all the 5"x5" paintings I have made over the years. Missing a good amount and skipped a lot of ones I'm not too fond of but there's 815 to look at. September 17, 2020
![]() I've been making small paintings from the scrap wood I'd find from wood worker's burn piles. I added a new section to my website here so people can see what I've made so far. If you would like to buy one you should follow me on Instagram where I'll post when I update my store. March 24, 2020
![]() February 13, 2020
![]() December 11, 2020
![]() November 14, 2019
I constructed a magic die. It's like a Magic 8 Ball but limited to just 6 answers. You can download the pdf file for free here September 1, 2020
![]() Stickers for some locals. July 2, 2019
![]() Painting installation from my show at the Mendocino Art Center. Show runs until a little after August. June 30, 2019
![]() Paintings being packed for my show at the Mendocino Art Center. Aug 14, 2018
![]() I'm having a small show at a kava bar in Berkeley. Will have about 20 paintings in it. There's only one kava bar in Berkeley, so you can probably google it. It's Saturday, September 1. Sunday, September 2, I'll be tabling a half table with my friend, Tommy Busch at the San Francisco Zine Fest. It's free to go, will be fun. Aug 4, 2018
![]() I'm in two group shows at Giant Robot this weekend. One is in the 15 year aniversary show at GR2 (2062 Sawtelle), while the other is the Plant Show across the street at Giant Robot 1 (2015 Sawtelle). Show is up till Aug 15 at GR2, and Sept 15 at GR1. July 24, 2018
![]() I reprinted an old zine about Oakland from 2007 and added some notes to it. You can get one in the here. July 17, 2018
![]() I really enjoy painting on found wood. July 7, 2018
![]() Bandanas were printed. They sold old pretty quickly but I'm gonna print more soon. When I do they will be here! . June 26, 2018
![]() Printed new stickers. Get them here! May 27, 2018
![]() Tabling Sunday at the LA Zine Fest in Pasadena with my friend, Evah Fan. May 24, 2018
Reprinted bat cozies in newer colors. Get 'em here. May 12, 2018
I painted a couple of wooden snake toys last weekend. Here's the one I like the most. I hated snakes when I was a kid, but grew to think they're actually pretty cool to draw
Here are some links to buying artwork online:
Grumpy Bert: Small 5"x5" paintings left over from a two person show in April.
Nucleus Portland: 4 12"x12" paintings sent to a group show that's up for a month.
Spoke Art 1 Donut Cat painting sent to a group show that's up till the 26th.
Giant Robot some paintings of various sizes from last year. May 8, 2018
Made a little zine you can get here. I drew on coasters while transitioning to living in the tiny seaside town from Oakland back in 2014. I didn't have a studio, and most of my supplies were in storage so all I could do was draw on small things for a while. The zine has 32 of the 50 I made. May 5, 2018
Sent four paintings to a group show in Portland at Nucleus. Artwork is available online here. Show is up for a month. May 2, 2018
Sent this painting to a group show in San Francisco at Spoke Art. The opening is Saturday, May 5th and runs till the 26th. April 29, 2018
Painted a skateboard for a benefit show in San Francisco. It's at the Luggage Store Gallery (5th and Market), Sunday, April 29th, from 3-6 PM. February 23rd, 2018
Participated in the Red Envelope Show with Grumpy Bert. January 30th, 2018
I painted on these heart shaped pieces of wood to sell as Valentines.